Trusted Performance Consulting is pleased to offer its services for constructing together a healthy social life for both individuals and organizations based on effective and innovative approaches. Our company started its activities with an expert team with the capacity to produce high value. It provides services to individuals, companies, public institutions, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, political party organizations and municipalities. For detailed information, please see: Our Services

Our Vision

Our vision is a country having a society of individuals with a high level of awareness and organizations that perform well.

Our Mission

Paving the way for individuals to gain communication skills that will enable them to have more meaningful and productive lives, move away from limiting thought patterns and become, in this way, freer individuals, and improving the performance of organizations with effective leadership, management and team approaches that make a difference.

Trusted Performance Consulting

Our Values

Lifelong learning


Collective intelligence


Information exchange and shared responsibility

Free thinking and expression of ideas




Our Team

Our Business Partners